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Ysgol Gynradd


Yn yr adran hon...

Prynhawn Numicon / Numicon Afternoon - 24.11.09

Mi fydd Liwsi Harries, Ymgynghorydd Mathemateg y Sir yn ymweld a'r ysgol i gynnig hyfforddiant i rieni a ffrindiau ar ddydd Mawrth, 24ain o Dachwedd rhwng 2 a 3 o'r gloch.

Liwsi Harries the County's Maths Coordinator will be visiting the school on the 24th November between 2 and 3 o'clock to offer parents and friends numicon training.

numicomMi fydd Liwsi Harries, Ymgynghorydd Mathemateg y Sir yn ymweld a'r ysgol i gynnig hyfforddiant i rieni a ffrindiau ar ddydd Mawrth, 24ain o Dachwedd rhwng 2 a 3 o'r gloch. Defnyddir 'numicon' drwy'r ysgol fel adnodd dysgu mathemateg gwerthfawr.

Liwsi Harries, the County's Maths Coordinator will be visiting the school on the 24th November between 2 and 3 o'clock to offer parents and friends numicon training. Numicon is being widely used throughout the school as a valuable learning tool.