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Sioe Swyn Show
Ymwelodd holl blant y Dysgu Sylfaen â Theatr Felinfach i wylio’s sioe Swyn. Roedd y sioe yn seiliedig ar y llyfr ‘Whimsy’ gan Krystal S. Lowe. Taniwyd dychymyg y plant drwy stori a dawns. Diolch i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru am y grant tuag at costau’r ymweliad.
All Foundation Learning pupils visited Felinfach Theatre to watch the show ‘Swyn’ The show was based on the book Whimsy by Krystal S. Lowe. The children’s imagination was ignited through story and dance. Thank you to Arts Council Wales for the grant towards the cost of the visit.