Eisteddfod Ysgol / School Eisteddfod
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a wnaeth eu rhannau mor arbennig o dda yn yr Eisteddfod eleni.
Congratulations to all the children who performed so well in the Eisteddfod.
Eisteddfod y Cyfnod Sylfaen a Cyfnod Allweddol 2
Gwnaeth pob plentyn ymddangos ar y llwyfan, gan berfformio'n rhagorol. Diolch i'r rhieni hynny a wnaeth ein cefnogi.
Ar ddiwedd yr Eisteddfod ty Cadwgan oedd yn fuddugol yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen ac Alban yn CA.2.
Foundation Phase and K.S.2 Eisteddfod
Every child from Nursery to Year 2 performed on stage. Our sincere thanks to all those parents who supported their children. When all the scores were calculated, Cadwgan emerged as the winners.
Well done everybody for doing so well in the Eisteddfod this year. Congratulations to Sion Evans who won the Crown and Chair of the Eisteddfod and to Lottie Sweet who won the Art Trophy. At the end of the day Alban won the day.
Da iawn bawb am wneud mor arbennig yn yr Eisteddfod eleni. Llongyfarchiadau i Sion Evans am ennill y Goron a'r Gadair ac i Lottie Sweet am ennill y darian Gelf.